Alexis A. Thompson, MD, MPH

MD - Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, LA
Pediatrics - Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
Pediatrics - Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
Pediatric Hematology/Oncology - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Pediatric Hematology-Oncology – American Board of Pediatrics
Pediatrics – American Board of Pediatrics
MPH in Health Services - University of California, Los Angeles, CA
Division Chief, Division of Hematology
Elias Schwartz, MD, Endowed Chair in Hematology
O'Connor FG, Franzos MA, Nye NS, Nelson DA, Shell D, Voss JD, Anderson SA, Coleman NJ, Thompson AA, Harmon KG, Deuster PA: Summit on Exercise Collapse Associated with Sickle Cell Trait: Finding the “Way Ahead” Curr Sports Med Rep. 2021 Jan 1;20(1):47-56. PMID: 33395130
Badawy SM, Beg U, Liem RI, Chaudhury S, Thompson AA: A systematic review of quality of life in sickle cell disease and thalassemia after stem cell transplant or gene therapy Blood Adv. 2021 Jan 26;5(2):570-583. PMID: 33496753
Casella JF, Barton BA, Kanter J, Black LV, Majumdar S, Inati A, Wali Y, Drachtman RA, Abboud MR, Kilinc Y, Fuh BR, Al-Khabori MK, Takemoto CM, Salman E, Sarnaik SA, Shah N, Morris CR, Keates-Baleeiro J, Raj A, Alvarez OA, Hsu LL, Thompson AA, Sisler IY, Pace BS, Noronha SA, Lasky JL 3rd, de Julian EC, Godder K, Thornburg CD, Kamberos NL, Nuss R, Marsh AM, Owen WC, Schaefer A, Tebbi CK, Chantrain CF, Cohen DE, Karakas Z, Piccone CM, George A, Fixler JM, Singleton TC, Moulton T, Quinn CT, de Castro Lobo CL, Almomen AM, Goyal-Khemka M, Maes P, Emanuele M, Gorney RT, Padgett CS, Parsley E, Kronsberg SS, Kato GJ, Gladwin MT: Effect of Poloxamer 188 vs Placebo on Painful Vaso-Occlusive Episodes in Children and Adults With Sickle Cell Disease: A Randomized Clinical Trial JAMA. 2021 Apr 20;325(15):1513-1523. doi: 10.1001/jama.2021.3414.PMID: 33877274
Hood AM, Strong H, Nwankwo C, Johnson Y, Peugh J, Mara CA, Shook LM, Brinkman WB, Real FJ, Klein MD, Hackworth R, Badawy SM, Thompson AA, Raphael JL, Yates AM, Smith-Whitley K, King AA, Calhoun C, Creary SE, Piccone CM, Hildenbrand AK, Reader SK, Neumayr L, Meier ER, Sobota AE, Rana S, Britto M, Saving KL, Treadwell M, Quinn CT, Ware RE, Crosby LE: Engaging Caregivers and Providers of Childrens with Sickle Cell Anemia in Shared Decision Making for Hydroxyurea: Protocol for a Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Res Protoc. 2021 May 21;10(5):e27650. doi: 10.2196/27650.PMID: 34018965
Ballas SK, Kuypers FA, Gordeuk VR, Hankins JS, Thompson AA, Vichinsky E: Time to rethink haemoglobin threshold guidelines in sickle cell diseases. Br J Haematol 2021 Jun 15 doi:10.1111/bjh. 17558. PMID 34131897
Badawy SM, Payne AB, Hulihan MM, Coates TD, Majumdar S, Smith D, Thompson AA: Concordance with comprehensive iron assessment, hepatitis A vaccination and Hepatitis B vaccination recommendations among patients with sickle cell disease and thalassaemia receiving chronic transfusions: an analysis from the Centers for Disease Control haemoglobinopathy blood safety project. Br J Haematol. 2021 Aug 24. doi: 10.1111/bjh.17798. PMID: 34431082
Kaur M, Brown M, Love TW, Thompson A, Treadwell M, Smith-Whitley K: Understanding sickle cell disease: impact of surveillance and gaps in knowledge. Blood Adv. 2020 Feb 11;4(3):496-498. doi: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2019001000. No abstract available. PMID: 32027743
Majumdar S, Bean CJ, De Staercke C, Bost J, Nickel R, Coates T, Campbell A, Thompson A: Parvovirus B19 infection in sickle cell disease: An analysis from the Centers for Disease Control haemoglobinopathy blood surveillance project. Transfus Med. 2020 Mar 4. doi 10.1111/tme. 12671 PMID:32131139
Cappellini MD, Viprakasit V, Taher AT, Georgiev P, Kuo KHM, Coates T, Voskaridou E, Liew HK, Pazgal-Kobrowski I, Forni GL, Perrotta S, Khelif A, Lal A, Kattamis A, Vlachaki E, Origa R, Aydinok Y, Bejaoui M, Ho PJ, Chew LP, Bee PC, Lim SM, Lu MY, Tantiworawit A, Ganeva P, Gercheva L, Shah F, Neufeld EJ, Thompson A, Laadem A, Shetty JK, Zou J, Zhang J, Miteva D, Zinger T, Linde PG, Sherman ML, Hermine O, Porter J, Piga A; BELIEVE Investigators: A phase 3 trial of luspatercept in patients with transfusion-dependent beta thalassemia. N Engl J Med. 2020 Mar 26;382(13):1219-1231. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1910182. PMID: 32212518
Barriteau CM, Murdoch A, Gallagher SJ, Thompson AA: A patient-centered medical home model for comprehensive sickle cell care in infants and young children. Am J Hematol. 2020 May 13. doi: 10.1002/ajh.25867. PMID: 32401372
Hsieh MM, Bonner M, Pierciey FJ, Uchida N, Rottman J, Demopoulos L, Schmidt M, Kanter J, Walters MC, Thompson AA, Asmal M, Tisdale JF: Myelodysplastic syndrome unrelated to lentiviral vector in a patient treated with gene therapy for sickle cell disease. Blood Adv. 2020 May 12;4(9):2058-2063. doi: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2019001330 PMID:32396618
Tisdale JF, Pierciey FJ Jr, Bonner M, Thompson AA, Krishnamurti L, Mapara MY, Kwiatkowski JL, Shestopalov I, Ribeil JA, Huang W, Asmal M, Kanter J, Walters MC: Safety and Feasibility of Hematopoietic Progenitor Stem Cell Collection by Mobilization with Plerixafor Followed by Apheresis vs Bone Marrow Harvest in Patients with Sickle Cell Disease in the Multi-center HGB-206 Trial. Am J Hematol. 2020 May 13. doi: 10.1002/ajh.25867 PMID: 32401372
Al-Samkari H, Addonizio K, Glader B, Morton DH, Chonat S, Thompson AA, Kuo KHM, Ravindranath Y, Wang H, Rothman JA, Kwiatkowski JL, Kung C, Kosinski PA, Al-Sayegh H, London WB, Grace RF: The pyruvate kinase (PK) to hexokinase enzyme activity ratio and erythrocyte PK protein level in the diagnosis and phenotype of PK deficiency. Br J Haematol. 2020 May 28. PMID: 32463523
Harmon KG, Pottinger PS, Baggish AL, Drezner JA, Luks AM, Thompson AA, Swaminathan S: Comorbid medical conditions in young athletes: considerations for preparticipation guidance during COVID-19 pandemic. . Sports Health. 2020 Sep/Oct;12(5):456-458. doi: 10.1177/1941738120939079. Epub 2020 Jun 24. PMID: 32579436
Hammond J, Thompson AA, Fogel MA, Hammond K, Kokroko J, Kwiatkowski JL. Combination Oral Chelation in Adult Patients With Transfusion-dependent Thalassemia and High Iron Burden. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2019 Jan;41(1):e47-e50. PMID:30080754
Badawy SM, Barrera L, Cai S, Thompson AA. Association between Participants' Characteristics, Patient-Reported Outcomes, and Clinical Outcomes in Youth with Sickle Cell Disease. Biomed Res Int. 2018 Jul 18;2018:8296139. doi: 10.1155/2018/8296139. eCollection 2018.PMID:30105252
van Beers EJ, van Straaten S, Morton DH, Barcellini W, Eber SW, Glader B, Yaish HM, Chonat S, Kwiatkowski JL, Rothman JA, Sharma M, Neufeld EJ, Sheth S, Despotovic JM, Kollmar N, Pospíšilová D, Knoll CM, Kuo K, Pastore YD, Thompson AA, Newburger PE, Ravindranath Y, Wang WC, Wlodarski MW, Wang H, Holzhauer S, Breakey VR, Verhovsek M, Kunz J, McNaull MA, Rose MJ, Bradeen HA, Addonizio K, Li A, Al-Sayegh H, London WB, Grace RF. Prevalence and management of iron overload in pyruvate kinase deficiency: report from the Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency Natural History Study. Haematologica. 2019 Feb;104(2):e51-e53. doi: 10.3324/haematol.2018.196295. Epub 2018 Sep 13. PMID:30213831
Cronin RM, Hankins JS, Byrd J, Pernell BM, Kassim A, Adams-Graves P, Thompson A, Kalinyak K, DeBaun M, Treadwell M. Risk factors for hospitalizations and readmissions among individuals with sickle cell disease: results of a U.S. survey study. Hematology. 2019 Dec;24(1):189-198. doi: 10.1080/16078454.2018.1549801. PMID:30479187
Badawy SM, Thompson AA, Holl JL, Penedo FJ, Liem RI. Healthcare utilization and hydroxyurea adherence in youth with sickle cell disease Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2018 Aug - Sep;35(5-6):297-308. doi: 10.1080/08880018.2018.1505988. Epub 2019 Jan 12. PMID:30636474
Rogers ZR, Nakano TA, Olson TS, Bertuch AA, Wang W, Gillio A, Coates TD, Chawla A, Castillo P, Kurre P, Gamper C, Bennett CM, Joshi S, Geddis AE, Boklan J, Nalepa G, Rothman JA, Huang JN, Kupfer GM, Cada M, Glader B, Walkovich KJ, Thompson AA, Hanna R, Vlachos A, Malsch M, Weller EA, Williams DA, Shimamura A: Immunosuppressive therapy for pediatric aplastic anemia: a North American Pediatric Aplastic Anemia Consortium study. Haematologica. 2019 Apr 4. pii: haematol.2018.206540 PMID: 30948484
Thompson AA: A Targeted Agent for Sickle Cell Disease - Changing the Protein but Not the Gene. N Engl J Med. 2019 Aug 8;381(6):579-580. doi: 10.1056/NEJMe1906771. Epub 2019 Jun 14 PMID 31199089
Badawy SM, Morrone K, Thompson A, Palermo TM. Computer and mobile technology interventions to promote medication adherence and disease management in people with thalassemia. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2019 Jun 28;6:CD012900. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD012900.pub2 PMID 31250923
Badawy SM, Cronin RM, Hankins J, Crosby L, DeBaun M, Thompson AA, Shah N. Patient-centered ehealth interventions for children, adolescents and adults with sickle cell disease: systematic review. J Med Internet Res. 2018 Jul 19;20(7):e10940. doi: 10.2196/10940. Review.PMID:30026178
Badawy SM, Thompson AA, Liem RI: Beliefs about hydroxyurea in youth with sickle cell disease Hematol Oncol Stem Cell Ther. 2018 Jan 31. pii: S1658-3876(18)30002-5. doi: 10.1016/j.hemonc.2018.01.001. PMID 29397333
Shenoy S, Walters MC, Ngwube A, Soni S, Jacobsohn D, Chaudhury S, Grimley M, Chan K, Haight A, Kasow KA, Parikh S, Andreansky M, Connelly J, Delgado D, Godder K, Hale G, Nieder M, Pulsipher MA, Trachtenberg F, Neufeld E, Kwiatkowski JL, Thompson AA: Unrelated Donor Transplantation in Children with Thalassemia Using Reduced Intensity Conditioning - the URTH Trial. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2018 Jan 25. pii: S1083-8791(18)30039-9. doi: 10.1016/j.bbmt.2018.01.023. PMID 29374585
Cronin RM, Hankins JS, Byrd J, Pernell BM, Kassim A, Adams-Graves P, Thompson AA, Kalinyak K, DeBaun MR, Treadwell M. Modifying factors of the health belief model associated with missed clinic appointments among individuals with sickle cell disease. Hematology. 2018 Mar 29:1-9. doi: 10.1080/10245332.2018.1457200. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:29595096
Grace RF, Bianchi P, van Beers EJ, Eber SW, Glader B, Yaish HM, Despotovic JM, Rothman JA, Sharma M, McNaull MM, Fermo E, Lezon-Geyda K, Morton DH, Neufeld EJ, Chonat S, Kollmar N, Knoll CM, Kuo K, Kwiatkowski JL, Pospíŝilová D, Pastore YD, Thompson AA, Newburger PE, Ravindranath Y, Wang WC, Wlodarski MW, Wang H, Holzhauer S, Breakey VR, Kunz J, Sheth S, Rose MJ, Bradeen HA, Neu N, Guo D, Al-Sayegh H, London WB, Gallagher PG, Zanella A, Barcellini W. The clinical spectrum of pyruvate kinase deficiency: data from the Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency Natural History Study. Blood. 2018 Mar 16. pii: blood-2017-10-810796. doi: 10.1182/blood-2017-10-810796. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:29549173
Grace RF, Despotovic JM, Bennett CM, Bussel JB, Neier M, Neunert C, Crary SE, Pastore YD, Klaassen RJ, Rothman JA, Hege K, Breakey VR, Rose MJ, Shimano KA, Buchanan GR, Geddis A, Haley KM, Lorenzana A, Thompson A, Jeng M, Neufeld EJ, Brown T, Forbes PW, Lambert MP. Physician decision making in selection of second-line treatments in immune thrombocytopenia in children. Am J Hematol. 2018 Apr 16. doi: 10.1002/ajh.25110. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:29659042
Vichinsky E, Cohen A, Thompson AA, Giardina PJ, Lal A, Paley C, Cheng WY, McCormick N, Sasane M, Qiu Y, Kwiatkowski JL. Epidemiologic and clinical characteristics of nontransfusion-dependent thalassemia in the United States. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2018 Apr 10:e27067. doi: 10.1002/pbc.27067. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:29637688
Thompson AA, Walters MC, Kwiatkowski J, Rasko JEJ, Ribeil JA, Hongeng S, Magrin E, Schiller GJ, Payen E, Semeraro M, Moshous D, Lefrere F, Puy H, Bourget P, Magnani A, Caccavelli L, Diana JS, Suarez F, Monpoux F, Brousse V, Poirot C, Brouzes C, Meritet JF, Pondarré C, Beuzard Y, Chrétien S, Lefebvre T, Teachey DT, Anurathapan U, Ho PJ, von Kalle C, Kletzel M, Vichinsky E, Soni S, Veres G, Negre O, Ross RW, Davidson D, Petrusich A, Sandler L, Asmal M, Hermine O, De Montalembert M, Hacein-Bey-Abina S, Blanche S, Leboulch P, Cavazzana M. Gene Therapy in Patients with Transfusion-Dependent β-Thalassemia. N Engl J Med. 2018 Apr 19;378(16):1479-1493. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1705342. PMID:29669226
Badawy SM, Morrone K, Thompson A, Palermo TM. Computer and mobile technology interventions to promote medication adherence and disease management in people with thalassemia. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2017 Dec;2017(12). pii: CD012900. Epub 2017 Dec 14. PMID:29861660
Badawy SM, Thompson AA, Lai JS, Penedo FJ, Rychlik K, Liem RI: Health-related quality of life and adherence to hydroxyurea in adolescents and young adults with sickle cell disease. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2017 Jun;64(6) doi: 10.1002/pbc.26369. PMID: 27896936
Thompson AA: Making a case for more sickle cell initiatives in Africa. Blood. 2017 Jan 12;129 (2):136-137. doi: 10.1182/blood-2016-11-751933 PMID:28082288
Badawy SM, Thompson AA, Penedo FJ, Lai JS, Rychlik K, Liem RI: Barriers to hydroxyurea adherence and health-related quality of life in adolescents and young adults with sickle cell disease. Eur J Haematol. 2017 Jun;98 (6):608-614. doi: 10.1111/ejh.12878. PMID:28306171
Liem RI, Akinosun M, Muntz DS, Thompson AA.: Feasibility and safety of home exercise training in children with sickle cell anemia. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2017 Dec;64 (12). doi: 10.1002/pbc.26671. PMID: 28598539
Omwanghe OA, Muntz DS, Kwon S, Montgomery S, Kemiki O, Hsu LL, Thompson AA, Liem RI.: Self-Reported Physical Activity and Exercise Patterns in Children With Sickle Cell Disease. Pediatr Exerc Sci. 2017 Aug;29 (3):388-395. doi: 10.1123/pes.2016-0276. PMID: 28530510
Badawy SM, Thompson AA, Penedo FJ, Lai JS, Rychlik K, Liem RI: Barriers to hydroxyurea adherence and health-related quality of life in adolescents and young adults with sickle cell disease. Eur J Haematol. 2017 Mar 17. doi: 10.1111/ejh.12878. PMID:28306171
Badawy SM, Thompson AA, Lai JS, Penedo FJ, Rychlik K, Liem RI: Adherence to hydroxyurea, health-related quality of life domains, and patients' perceptions of sickle cell disease and hydroxyurea: a cross-sectional study in adolescents and young adults. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2017 Jul 5;15(1):136. doi: 10.1186/s12955-017-0713-x. PMID 28679417
Chaudhury S, Ayas M, Rosen C, Ma M, Viqaruddin M, Parikh S, Kharbanda S, Chiang KY, Haight A, Bhatia M, Guilcher G, Thompson A, Shenoy S: A Multicenter Retrospective Analysis Stressing the Importance of Long-Term Follow-Up after Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation for β-Thalassemia. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2017 Oct;23(10):1695-1700. doi: 10.1016/j.bbmt.2017.06.004.. PMID: 28627425
Badawy SM, Thompson AA, Kuhns LM: Medication Adherence and Technology-Based Interventions for Adolescents With Chronic Health Conditions: A Few Key Considerations. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2017 Dec 22;5(12):e202. doi: 10.2196/mhealth.8310. PMID 29273573
Liem RI, Chan C, Vu TT, Fornage M, Thompson AA, Liu K, Carnethon MR: Longitudinal association among sickle cell trait, fitness, and cardiovascular disease risk factors in African Americans in CARDIA. Blood. 2017 Feb 9;129(6):723-728. doi: 10.1182/blood-2016-07-727719. Epub 2016 Nov 16 PMID: 27856464
Mack AK, Thompson AA: Primary and Secondary Stroke Prevention in Children With Sickle Cell Disease. J Pediatr Health Care. 2017 Mar - Apr;31 (2):145-154. doi: 10.1016/j.pedhc.2016.06.005. Epub 2016 Jul 14. PMID: 27423528
Ware RE, Davis BR, Schultz WH, Brown RC, Aygun B, Sarnaik S, Odame I, Fuh B, George A, Owen W, Luchtman-Jones L, Rogers ZR, Hilliard L, Gauger C, Piccone C, Lee MT, Kwiatkowski JL, Jackson S, Miller ST, Roberts C, Heeney MM, Kalfa TA, Nelson S, Imran H, Nottage K, Alvarez O, Rhodes M, Thompson AA, Rothman JA, Helton KJ, Roberts D, Coleman J, Bonner MJ, Kutlar A, Patel N, Wood J, Piller L, Wei P, Luden J, Mortier NA, Stuber SE, Luban NL, Cohen AR, Pressel S, Adams RJ: Hydroxycarbamide versus chronic transfusion for maintenance of transcranial doppler flow velocities in children with sickle cell anaemia-TCD With Transfusions Changing to Hydroxyurea (TWiTCH): a multicentre, open-label, phase 3, non-inferiority trial. Lancet. 2016 Feb 13;387(10019):661-70. PMID: 26670617
Wood JC, Cohen AR, Pressel SL, Aygun B, Imran H, Luchtman-Jones L, Thompson AA, Fuh B, Schultz WH, Davis BR, Ware RE; TWiTCH Investigators: Organ iron accumulation in chronically transfused children with sickle cell anaemia: baseline results from the TWiTCH trial. Br J Haematol. 2016 Jan;172 (1):122-30 PMID: 26523836
Clayton-Jones D, Haglund K, Belknap RA, Schaefer J, Thompson AA: Spirituality and Religiosity in Adolescents Living With Sickle Cell Disease. West J Nurs Res. 2016 Jan 19. pii: 0193945915625065. PMID: 26792855
Luchtman-Jones L, Pressel S, Hilliard L, Brown RC, Smith MG, Thompson AA, Lee MT, Rothman J, Rogers ZR, Owen W, Imran H, Thornburg C, Kwiatkowski JL, Aygun B, Nelson S, Roberts C, Gauger C, Piccone C, Kalfa T, Alvarez O, Hassell K, Davis BR, Ware RE: Effects of hydroxyurea treatment for patients with hemoglobin SC disease. Am J Hematol. 2016 Feb;91(2):238-42. PMID: 26615793
Badawy SM, Thompson AA, Liem RI: Technology Access and Smartphone App Preferences for Medication Adherence in Adolescents and Young Adults With Sickle Cell Disease. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2016 Feb 4. PMID: 26844685
Shenoy S, Thompson AA: Unrelated donor stem cell transplantation for transfusion-dependent thalassemia. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2016 Mar;1368(1):122-6. doi: 10.1111/nyas.13019. PMID: 26999376
Badawy SM, Thompson AA, Sand M: In-flight emergencies: Medical kits are not good enough for kids. J Paediatr Child Health. 2016 Apr;52(4):363-5. PMID: 27145496
Hershberger PE, Gallo AM, Molokie R, Thompson AA, Suarez ML, Yao Y, Dallas CM, Wilkie DJ: Toward understanding family-related characteristics of young adults with sickle-cell disease or sickle-cell trait in the USA: J Clin Nurs. 2016 Jun;25(11-12):1587-97. doi: 10.1111/jocn.13144. PMID: 26970444
Neunert C, Despotovic J, Haley K, Lambert MP, Nottage K, Shimano K, Bennett C, Klaassen R, Stine K, Thompson A, Pastore Y, Brown T, Forbes PW, Grace RF; Pediatric ITP Consortium of North America (ICON). Thrombopoietin Receptor Agonist Use in Children: Data From the Pediatric ITP Consortium of North America ICON2 Study. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2016 Aug; 63(8):1407-13. doi: 10.1002/pbc.26003 PMID: 27135461
Hinton CF, Homer CJ, Thompson AA, Williams A, Hassell KL, Feuchtbaum L, Berry SA, Comeau AM, Therrell BL, Brower A, Harris KB, Brown C, Monaco J, Ostrander RJ, Zuckerman AE, Kaye C, Dougherty D, Greene C, Green NS; Follow-up and Treatment Sub-committee of the Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders in Newborns and Children (ACHDNC): A framework for assessing outcomes from newborn screening: on the road to measuring its promise. Mol Genet Metab. 2016 Aug;118(4):221-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ymgme.2016.05.017. Epub 2016 May 31.PMID: 27268406
Cronin RM, Hankins JS, Adams-Graves P, Thompson AA, Kalinyak K, Byrd J, McClain B, Kassim A, DeBaun M, Treadwell M: Barriers and Facilitators to Research Participation Among Adults, and Parents of Children with Sickle Cell Disease: A Trans-regional Survey..Am J Hematol. 2016 Jul 16. doi: 10.1002/ajh.24483. PMID: 27421796
Badawy SM, Liem RI, Rigsby CK, Labotka RJ, DeFreitas RA, Thompson AA. Assessing cardiac and liver iron overload in chronically transfused patients with sickle cell disease. Br J Haematol. 2016 Aug 10. doi: 10.1111/bjh.14277. PMID: 27507431
Thompson AA: New developments in the management of sickle cell disease.Blood Adv. 2016 Nov 22;1(1):3. doi: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2016000539. eCollection 2016 Nov 29. PMID 29296688
Alvarado AM, Ward KM, Muntz DS, Thompson AA, Rodeghier M, Fernhall B, Liem RI: Heart rate recovery is impaired after maximal exercise testing in children with sickle cell anemia. J Pediatr. 2015 Feb;166(2):389-393 PMID 25477159
Aygun B, Mortier NA, Kesler K, Lockhart A, Schultz WH, Cohen AR, Alvarez O, Rogers ZR, Kwiatkowski JL, Miller ST, Sylvestre P, Iyer R, Lane PA, Ware RE; Stroke With Transfusions Changing to Hydroxyurea (SWiTCH) Trial Investigators. Therapeutic phlebotomy is safe in children with sickle cell anaemia and can be effective treatment for transfusional iron overload. Br J Haematol. 2015 Apr;169(2):262-6. PMID: 25612463
Liem RI, Reddy M, Pelligra SA, Savant AP, Fernhall B, Rodeghier M, Thompson AA: Reduced fitness and abnormal cardiopulmonary responses to maximal exercise testing in children and young adults with sickle cell anemia. Physiol Rep. 2015 Apr;3(4). pii: e12338. PMID: 25847915
Listernick R, Benya E, Trainor J, Kabre R, Lautz T, Sharathkumar A, Liem R, Bhat R, Rozenfeld R, Thompson A, Sharathkumar A: A 15-year-old obese girl with abdominal pain. Pediatr Ann. 2015 Apr;44(4):126-9. PMID:25875976
Morris CR, Kim HY, Klings ES, Wood J, Porter JB, Trachtenberg F, Sweeters N, Olivieri NF, Kwiatkowski JL, Virzi L, Hassell K, Taher A, Neufeld EJ, Thompson AA, Larkin S, Suh JH, Vichinsky EP, Kuypers FA; Thalassemia Clinical Research Network. Dysregulated arginine metabolism and cardiopulmonary dysfunction in patients with thalassaemia. Br J Haematol. 2015 Jun;169 (6):887-98..PMID:25907665
Hershberger PE, Gallo AM, Molokie R, Thompson AA, Suarez ML, Yao Y, Wilkie DJ: Perception of young adults with sickle cell disease or sickle cell trait about participation in the CHOICES randomized controlled trial. J Adv Nurs. 2015 Jun 15. PMID: 26073718
Tubman VN, Fung EB, Vogiatzi M, Thompson AA, Rogers ZR, Neufeld EJ, Kwiatkowski JL; Thalassemia Clinical Research Network: Guidelines for the Standard Monitoring of Patients With Thalassemia: Report of the Thalassemia Longitudinal Cohort. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2015 Apr;37(3):e162-9. PMID:26201037
Gallo AM, Wilkie DJ, Yao Y, Molokie RE, Stahl C, Hershberger PE, Zhao Z, Suarez ML, Johnson B, Angulo R, Carrasco J, Angulo V, Thompson AA: Reproductive Health CHOICES for Young Adults with Sickle Cell Disease or Trait: Randomized Controlled Trial Outcomes over Two Years. J Genet Couns. 2015 Aug 28. 25(2), 325-336 PMID:26310871
Liem RI, Onyejekwe K, Olszewski M, Nchekwube C, Zaldivar FP, Radom-Aizik S, Rodeghier MJ, Thompson AA: The acute phase inflammatory response to maximal exercise testing in children and young adults with sickle cell anaemia. Br J Haematol. 2015 Dec;171 (5):854-61 PMID: 26456230
Liem RI, O'Suoji C, Kingsberry PS, Pelligra SA, Kwon S, Mason M, Thompson AA: Access to Patient-Centered Medical Homes in Children with Sickle Cell Disease. Matern Child Health J. 2014 Jan 5. PMID: 24389958
Vichinsky E, Neumayr L, Trimble S, Giardina PJ, Cohen AR, Coates T, Boudreaux J, Neufeld EJ, Kenney K, Grant A, Thompson AA; CDC Thalassemia Investigators. Transfusion complications in thalassemia patients: a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Transfusion. 2014 Apr;54(4):972-81; quiz 971.PMID:23889533
King AA, Rodeghier MJ, Panepinto JA, Strouse JJ, Casella JF, Quinn CT, Dowling MM, Sarnaik SA, Thompson AA, Woods GM, Minniti CP, Redding-Lallinger RC, Kirby-Allen M, Kirkham FJ, McKinstry R, Noetzel MJ, White DA, Kwiatkowski JK, Howard TH, Kalinyak KA, Inusa B, Rhodes MM, Heiny ME, Fuh B, Fixler JM, Gordon MO, DeBaun MR: Silent cerebral infarction, income, and grade retention among students with sickle cell anemia. Am J Hematol. 2014 Oct;89(10):E188-92. PMID:25042018
Helton KJ, Adams RJ, Kesler KL, Lockhart A, Aygun B, Driscoll C, Heeney MM, Jackson SM, Krishnamurti L, Miller ST, Sarnaik SA, Schultz WH, Ware RE; SWiTCH Investigators: Magnetic resonance imaging/angiography and transcranial Doppler velocities in sickle cell anemia: results from the SWiTCH trial. Blood. 2014 Aug 7;124(6):891-8. PMID:24914136
Abkowitz JL, O'Connor FG, Deuster PA, Thompson AA: Sickle cell trait and safe athletic participation: the way forward. Curr Sports Med Rep. 2014 May-Jun;13(3):192-3. PMID:24819012
DeBaun MR, Gordon M, McKinstry RC, Noetzel MJ, White DA, Sarnaik SA, Meier ER, Howard TH, Majumdar S, Inusa BP, Telfer PT, Kirby-Allen M, McCavit TL, Kamdem A, Airewele G, Woods GM, Berman B, Panepinto JA, Fuh BR, Kwiatkowski JL, King AA, Fixler JM, Rhodes MM, Thompson AA, Heiny ME, Redding-Lallinger RC, Kirkham FJ, Dixon N, Gonzalez CE, Kalinyak KA, Quinn CT, Strouse JJ, Miller JP, Lehmann H, Kraut MA, Ball WS Jr, Hirtz D, Casella JF: Controlled trial of transfusions for silent cerebral infarcts in sickle cell anemia. N Engl J Med. 2014 Aug 21;371(8):699-710. PMID:25140956
Roberts DO, Covert B, Rodeghier MJ, Parmar N, DeBaun MR, Thompson AA, Liem RI: Randomization is not associated with socio-economic and demographic factors in a multi-center clinical trial of children with sickle cell anemia. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2014 Sep;61(9):1529-35. PMID: 24753128
Chakraborty PK, Schmitz-Abe K, Kennedy EK, Mamady H, Naas T, Durie D, Campagna DR, Lau A, Sendamarai AK, Wiseman DH, May A, Jolles S, Connor P, Powell C, Heeney MM, Giardina PJ, Klaassen RJ, Kannengiesser C, Thuret I, Thompson AA, Marques L, Hughes S, Bonney DK, Bottomley SS, Wynn RF, Laxer RM, Minniti CP, Moppett J, Bordon V, Geraghty M, Joyce PB, Markianos K, Rudner AM, Holcik M, Fleming MD: Mutations in TRNT1, encoding the CCA-adding enzyme, cause congenital sideroblastic anemia with B cell immunodeficiency, periodic fevers and developmental delay (SIFD). Blood. 2014 Oct 30;124(18):2867-71 PMID: 25193871
Trachtenberg FL, Gerstenberger E, Xu Y, Mednick L, Sobota A, Ware H, Thompson AA, Neufeld EJ, Yamashita R: Relationship among chelator adherence, change in chelators, and quality of life in Thalassemia. Qual Life Res. 2014 Oct;23(8):2277-88. PMID:24682717
Nguyen N, Anley P, Yu MY, Zhang G, Thompson AA, Jennings LJ: Genetic and Clinical Determinants Influencing Warfarin Dosing in Children With Heart Disease. Pediatr Cardiol. 2013 Apr;34(4):984-90
Gallo, A. M., Wilkie, D. J., Wang, E., Labotka, R J., Molokie, R.E., Stahl, C. Hershberger, P. E., Zhao, Z., Suarez, M. L., Johnson, B., Pullum, C., Angulo, R., & Thompson, A.: Evaluation of the SCKnowIQ Tool and Reproductive CHOICES Intervention among Young Adults with Sickle Cell Disease or Sickle Cell Trait. Clin Nurs Res. 2013 Apr 8. [Epub ahead of print] PMID 23572406
Switzer WM, Shankar A, Trimble SR, Thompson AA, Giardina PJ, Cohen AR, Coates TD, Vichinsky E, Neufeld EJ, Boudreaux JM, Heneine W: Human T Cell Lymphotropic Virus Type 1 Infection Among U.S. Thalassemia Patients. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2013 Jul; 29(7):1006-9. PMID: 23409829
O'Suoji C, Liem RI, Mack AK, Kingsberry P, Ramsey G, Thompson AA: Alloimmunization in Sickle Cell Anemia in the Era of Extended Red Cell Typing. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2013. Sep; 60(9):1487-91. PMID: 23508932
Wiseman DH, May A, Jolles S, Connor P, Powell C, Heeney MM, Giardina PJ, Klaassen RJ, Chakraborty P, Geraghty MT, Major-Cook N, Kannengiesser C, Thuret I, Thompson AA, Marques L, Hughes S, Bottomley SS, Fleming MD, Wynn RF: A novel syndrome of congenital sideroblastic anemia, B cell immunodeficiency, periodic fevers and developmental delay (SIFD): Blood. 2013 Jul 4:122(1):112-23. PMID: 23553769
Morris CR, Kim HY, Wood JC, Porter JB, Klings ES, Trachtenberg FL, Sweeters N, Olivieri NF, Kwiatkowski JL, Virzi L, Singer ST, Taher A, Neufeld EJ, Thompson AA, Sachdev V, Larkin S, Suh JH, Kuypers FA, Vichinsky EP: Sildenafil therapy in thalassemia patients with doppler-defined risk for pulmonary hypertension: Haematologica. 2013 Sep;98(9):1359-67. PMID: 23585527
Lewis KB, Hughes RJ, Epstein MS, Josephson NC, Kempton CL, Kessler CM, Key NS, Howard TE, Kruse-Jarres R, Lusher JM, Walsh CE, Watts RG, Ettinger RA, Pratt KP: PATH (Personalized Alternative Therapies for Haemophilia) Study Investigators: Phenotypes of allo- and autoimmune antibody responses to FVIII characterized by surface plasmon resonance. PLoS One. 2013 May 8;8(5): e61120. PMID: 23667433
Porter JB, Wood J, Olivieri N, Vichinsky EP, Taher A, Neufeld E, Giardina P, Thompson A, Moore B, Evans P, Kim HY, Macklin EA, Trachtenberg F: Treatment of heart failure in adults with thalassemia major: response in patients randomised to deferoxamine with or without deferiprone. J Cardiovasc Magn Reson. 2013 May 20;15(1):38. PMID: 23688265
Thompson AA, Kim HY, Singer ST, Vichinsky E, Eile J, Yamashita R, Giardina PJ, Olivieri N, Parmar N, Trachtenberg F, Neufeld EJ, Kwiatkowski JL; Thalassemia Clinical Research Network: Pregnancy outcomes in women with thalassemia in North America and the United Kingdom: Am J Hematol. 2013 Sep;88(9):771-3. PMID: 23757266
Thompson AA: Ideal donors, imperfect results in sickle cell disease. Blood. 2013 Aug 8;122(6):858-9. PMID: 23929836
Wilkie DJ, Gallo AM, Yao Y, Molokie RE, Stahl C, Hershberger PE, Zhao Z, Suarez ML, Labotka RJ, Johnson B, Angulo R, Angulo V, Carrasco J, Shuey D, Pelligra S, Wang E, Rogers DT, Thompson AA: Reproductive Health Choices for Young Adults With Sickle Cell Disease or Trait: Randomized Controlled Trial Immediate Posttest Effects. Nurs Res. 2013 September/October; 62(5):352-361. PMID: 23995469
Pandey GS, Yanover C, Miller-Jenkins LM, Garfield S, Cole SA, Curran JE, Moses EK, Rydz N, Simhadri V, Kimchi-Sarfaty C, Lillicrap D, Viel KR, Przytycka TM, Pierce GF, Howard TE, Sauna ZE; the PATH (Personalized Alternative Therapies for Hemophilia) Study Investigators, Lusher J, Chitlur M, Ameri A, Natarajan K, Iyer RV, Thompson AA, Watts RG, Kempton CL, Kessler C, Barrett JC, Martin EJ, Key N, Kruse-Jarres R, Lessinger C, Pratt KP, Josephson N, McRedmond K, Withycombe J, Walsh C, Matthews D, Mahlangu J, Krause A, Schwyzer R, Thejpal R, Rapiti N, Goga Y, Coetzee M, Stones D, Mann K, Butenas S, Almasy L, Blangero J, Carless M, Raja R, Reed E: Endogenous factor VIII synthesis from the intron 22-inverted F8 locus may modulate the immunogenicity of replacement therapy for hemophilia A.Nat Med. 2013 Sep 15. PMID: 24037092.
Martin A, Thompson AA: Thalassemias. Pediatr Clin North Am. 2013 Dec;60(06):1383-91. PMID: 24237977
Thompson AA: Sickle cell trait testing and athletic participation: a solution in search of a problem? Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program. 2013:632-7. PMID: 24319243
Thompson AA: Sickle cell disease and racism: Real or false barriers? Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2013 Mar; 60(3):349-50.
Haines D, Martin M, Carson S, Oliveros O, Green S, Coates T, Eile J, Schilling L, Dinu B, Mendoza T, Gerstenberger E, Trachtenberg F, Vichinsky E; Thalassemia Clinical Research Network. Pain in thalassaemia: the effects of age on pain frequency and severity. Br J Haematol. 2013 Mar; 160(5):680-7.. Epub 2012 Dec 30. PMID: 23278768 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
Thompson AA: Sickle cell disease and racism: Real or false barriers? Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2013 Mar; 60(3):349-50.
Trachtenberg FL, Mednick L, Kwiatkowski JL, Neufeld EJ, Haines D, Pakbaz Z, Thompson AA, Quinn CT, Grady R, Sobota A, Olivieri N, Horne R, Yamashita R; Thalassemia Clinical Research Network: Beliefs about chelation among thalassemia patients. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2012 Dec 7;10:148.
Kwiatkowski JL, Kim H-Y, Thompson AA, Quinn CT, Mueller BU, Odame I, Giardina PJ, Vichinsky EP, Boudreaux JM, Cohen AR, Porter J, Coates T, Olivieri NF, Neufeld EJ: Chelation use and iron burden in North American and British thalassemia patients: a report from the Thalassemia Longitudinal Cohort. Blood 2012 Mar 22;119(12):2746-53.
Grace RF, Bennett CM, Ritchey AK, Jeng M, Thornburg CD, Lambert MP, Neier M, Recht M, Kumar M, Blanchette V, Klaassen RJ, Buchanan GR, Kurth MH, Nugent DJ, Thompson AA, Stine K, Kalish LA, Neufeld EJ: Response to steroids predicts response to rituximab in pediatric chronic immune thrombocytopenia. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2012 Feb;58(2):221-5.
McCarville MB, Rogers ZR, Sarnaik S, Scott P, Aygun B, Hilliard L, Lee MT, Kalinyak K, Owen W, Garro J, Schultz W, Yovetich N, Ware RE; SWiTCH Investigators: Effects of chronic transfusions on abdominal sonographic abnormalities in children with sickle cell anemia. J Pediatr. 2012 Feb;160(2):281-285.
DeBaun MR, Sarnaik SA, Rodeghier MJ, Minniti CP, Howard TH, Iyer RV, Inusa B, Telfer PT, Kirby-Allen M, Quinn CT, Bernaudin F, Airewele G, Woods GM, Panepinto JA, Fuh B, Kwiatkowski JK, King AA, Rhodes MM, Thompson AA, Heiny ME, Redding-Lallinger RC, Kirkham FJ, Sabio H, Gonzalez CE, Saccente SL, Kalinyak KA, Strouse JJ, Fixler JM, Gordon MO, Miller JP, Noetzel MJ, Ichord RN, Casella JF: Associated risk factors for silent cerebral infarcts in sickle cell anemia: low baseline hemoglobin, sex, and relative high systolic blood pressure. Blood. 2012 Apr 19;119(16):3684-90.
Kwiatkowski JL, Cohen AR, Garro J, Alvarez O, Nagasubramanian R, Sarnaik S, Thompson A, Woods GM, Schultz W, Mortier N, Lane P, Mueller B, Yovetich N, Ware RE; for the SWiTCH Study Investigators: Transfusional iron overload in children with sickle cell anemia on chronic transfusion therapy for secondary stroke prevention. Am J Hematol. 2012 February 87(2): 221-223.
Aygun B, Wruck LM, Schultz WH, Mueller BU, Brown C, Luchtman-Jones L, Jackson S, Iyer R, Rogers ZR, Sarnaik S, Thompson AA, Gauger C, Helms RW, Ware RE; TCD With Transfusions Changing to Hydroxyurea (TWiTCH) Trial Investigators: Chronic transfusion practices for prevention of primary stroke in children with sickle cell anemia and abnormal TCD velocities. Am J Hematol. 2012 Apr;87(4):428-30.
Kwiatkowski JL, Kim HY, Thompson AA, Quinn CT, Mueller BU, Odame I, Giardina PJ, Vichinsky EP, Boudreaux JM, Cohen AR, Porter JB, Coates T, Olivieri NF, Neufeld EJ; Thalassemia Clinical Research Network: Chelation use and iron burden in North American and British thalassemia patients: a report from the Thalassemia Longitudinal Cohort. Blood. 2012 Mar 22; 119(12):2746-53.
Miller ST, Kim HY, Weiner D, Wager CG, Gallagher D, Styles L, Dampier CD; Investigators of the Sickle Cell Disease Clinical Research Network (SCDCRN): Inpatient management of sickle cell pain: a 'snapshot' of current practice. Am J Hematol. 2012 Mar; 87(3):333-6.
Ware RE, Helms RW; SWiTCH Investigators: Stroke With Transfusions Changing to Hydroxyurea (SWiTCH). Blood. 2012 Apr 26; 119(17):3925-32.
Auerswald G, Thompson AA, Recht M, Brown D, Liesner R, Guzman-Becerra N, Dyck-Jones J, Ewenstein B, Abbuehl, B: Experience of Advate rAHF-PFM in previously untreated patients and minimally treated patients with haemophilia A. Thromb Haemost. 2012 May 31; 107(6):1072-82.
Styles L, Wager CG, Labotka RJ, Smith-Whitley K, Thompson AA, Lane PA, McMahon LE, Miller R, Roseff SD, Iyer RV, Hsu LL, Castro OL, Ataga KI, Onyekwere O, Okam M, Bellevue R, Miller ST; Sickle Cell Disease Clinical Research Network (SCDCRN): Refining the value of secretory phospholipase A2 as a predictor of acute chest syndrome in sickle cell disease: results of a feasibility study (PROACTIVE). Br J Haematol. 2012 Jun; 157(5):627-36.
Fung EB, Xu Y, Trachtenberg F, Odame I, Kwiatkowski JL, Neufeld EJ, Thompson AA, Boudreaux J, Quinn CT, Vichinsky EP; Thalassemia Clinical Research Network: Inadequate Dietary Intake in Patients with Thalassemia. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2012 Jul; 112(7):980-90.
Smith-Whitley K, Thompson AA: Indications and complications of transfusions in sickle cell disease. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2012 Aug; 59(2):358-64.
O'Connor FG, Deuster P, Thompson A: Sickle cell trait: what's a sports medicine clinician to think? Br J Sports Med. 2012 May 19. [Epub ahead of print]
O'Connor FG, Bergeron MF, Cantrell J, Connes P, Harmon KG, Ivy E, Kark J, Klossner D, Lisman P, Meyers BK, O'Brien K, Ohene-Frempong K, Thompson AA, Whitehead J, Deuster PA: ACSM and CHAMP Summit on SCT: Mitigating Risks for Warfighters and Athletes. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2012 Nov;44(11):2045-2056.
Andolina JR, Morrison CB, Thompson AA, Chaudhury S, Mack AK, Proytcheva M, Corey SJ: Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome: Diarrhea, no Longer Required? J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2012 Aug 29. [Epub ahead of print]
Chou ST, Liem RI, Thompson AA. Challenges of alloimmunization in patients with haemoglobinopathies. Br J Haematol. 2012 Nov;159 (4):394-404
Hulbert ML, McKinstry RC, Lacey JL, Moran CJ, Panepinto JA, Thompson AA, Sarnaik SA, Woods GA, Casella JF, Inusa B, Howard J, Kirkham F, Anie K, Mullin JE, Ichord R, Noetzel M, Yan Y, Rodeghier M, DeBaun MR: Silent cerebral infarcts occur despite regular blood transfusion therapy after first stroke in children with sickle cell disease. Blood, 2011 Jan, 117(3):772-779
Vichinsky CE, Ohene-Frempong K, Thein RC, Lopes de Castro Lobo C, Inati A, Thompson AA, Smith-Whitley K, Kwiatkowski JL, Swerdlow PS, Porter JB, Marks PW: Transfusion and chelation practices in sickle cell disease: a regional perspective. Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2011 Mar; 28(2):124-33.
Poulter EY, Truszkowski P, Thompson AA, Liem RI: Acute Chest Syndrome is Associated with History of Asthma in Hemoglobin SC Disease. Pediatric Blood Cancer, 2011 Aug;57(2):289-93.
Wood J, Glynos T, Thompson AA, Paley C, Giardina P, Harmatz P, Kang BP, Coates TD: Relationship between labile plasma iron, liver iron concentration, and cardiac response in a deferasirox monotherapy trial. Haematologica, 2011 96(6).
Thompson AA, Cunningham MJ, Singer ST, Neufeld EJ, Vichinsky E, Yamashita R, Giardina P, Kim H-Y, Trachtenberg F, Kwiatkowski JL: Red Cell Alloimmunization in a Diverse Population of Transfused Patients with Thalassemia. Brit J Haematol, 2011 Apr;153(1):121-8
Sobota A, Yamashita R, Xu Y, Trachtenberg F, Kohlbry P, Kleinert DA, Giardina PJ, Kwiatkowski JL, Foote D, Thayalasuthan V, Porter JB, Thompson AA, Schilling L, Quinn CT, Neufeld EJ: Quality of life in thalassemia: A comparison of SF-36 results from the thalassemia longitudinal cohort to reported literature and the US norms. Am J Hematol. 2011 Jan; 86(1):92-95
Trachtenberg F, Vichinsky E, Haines D, Pakbaz Z, Mednick, L, Sobota A, Kwiatkowski JL, Thompson AA, Porter J, Coates T, Giardina PJ, Olivieri N, Yamashita R, Neufeld EJ. Iron chelation adherence to deferoxamine and deferasirox in thalassemia. Am J Hematol 2011 May;86(5):433-6.
Liem RL, Gilgour B, Pelligra SA, Mason M, Thompson AA: The Impact of Thalassemia on Southeast Asian and Asian Indian Families in the US: A Qualitative Study. Ethnicity and Disease 2011 Summer; 21(3):361-9.
Poulter EY, Truszkowski P, Thompson AA, Liem RI: Acute chest syndrome is associated with history of asthma in hemoglobin SC disease. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2011 Aug;57(2)289-93.
Morris CR, Hae-Young K, Trachtenberg F, Wood J, Quinn CT, Sweeters N, Kwiatkowski JL, Thompson AA, Giardina PJ, Boudreaux J, Olivieri NF, Porter JB, Neufeld EJ, Vichinsky EP: Risks factors and mortality associated with an elevated tricuspid-regurgitant-jet-velocity measured by Doppler-echocardiography in thalassemia: a Thalassemia Clinical Research Network report. Blood. 2011 Oct 6;118(14):3794-802.
Simpson ML, Thompson AA: Recognition and management of hemophilia emergencies. Clin Pediatr Emerg Med, 2011 Sep 1;12(3):224-232.
Lebensburger JD, Debaun MR, Thompson AA: What is the evidence for using hydroxyurea for secondary stroke prevention? Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program. 2011;2011:440-2.
Thompson AA: Primary prophylaxis in sickle cell disease: is it feasible? Is it effective? Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program. 2011;2011:434-9.
Liem RI, Cole AH, Pelligra SA, Mason M, Thompson AA: Parental attitudes toward research participation in pediatric sickle cell disease. Pediatric Blood & Cancer 55(1):129, 2010
Lulla RR, Thompson AA, Liem RI: Elevated soluble transferrin receptor reflects increased erythropoietic drive rather than iron deficiency in pediatric sickle cell disease. Pediatric Blood & Cancer 55(1):141, 2010.
Trachtenberg F, Foote D, Martin M, Carson S, Coates T, Beams O, Vega O, Merelles-Pulcini M, Giardina PJ, Kleinert DA, Kwiatkowski J, Thompson AA, Neufeld EJ, Schilling L, Thayalasuthan V, Pakbaz Z, Yamashita R: Pain as an emergent issue in thalassemia. Am J Hematol May 2010 85(5): 367–370
Wood J, Kang B, Thompson AA, Paley C, Giardina P, Harmatz P, Virkus J, Coates T: The effect of deferasirox on cardiac iron in thalassemia major; impact of total body iron stores. Blood, Jul 2010; 116: 537 - 543.
Liem RI, Pelligra S, Shah AD, Labotka RJ, Young LT, Thompson AA: Reproducibility of Tricuspid Regurgitant Jet Velocity Measurements in Children and Young Adults with Sickle Cell Disease Undergoing Screening for Pulmonary Hypertension, Am J Hematol, 2010 85(10):741-5.
Gallo AM, Wilkie D, Suarez M, Labotka R, Molokie R, Thompson A, Hershberger P, Johnson B: Reproductive decisions in people with sickle cell disease or sickle cell trait. West J Nurs Res 2010 Dec; 32(8):1073-90. Epub 2010 Aug 11.
Wood JC, Glynos T, Thompson A, Giardina P, Harmatz P, Kang BP, Paley C, Coates TD. Follow-up report on the 2-year cardiac data from a deferasirox monotherapy trial. Am J Hematol. 2010 Oct; 85(10):818-9.
Mednick L, Yu S, Trachtenberg F, Xu Y, Kleinert D, Giardina PJ, Kwiatkowski JL, Foote D, Thayalasuthan V, Porter JP, Thompson AA, Schilling L, Quinn CT, Neufeld EJ, Yamashita R: Symptoms of depression and anxiety in patients with thalassemia: Prevalence and correlates in the thalassemia longitudinal cohort. Am J Hematol. 2010 Oct;85(10):802-5.
Liem RI, Nevin MA, Young LT, Thompson AA: Tricuspid regurgitant jet velocity elevation and its relationship to lung function in pediatric sickle cell disease. Pediatric Pulmonology 44(3): 281-9, 2009
Liem RI, Young LT, Thompson AA: Prolonged QTc interval in children and young adults with sickle cell disease at steady state. Pediatric Blood Cancer. Jul;52(7):842-6, 2009.
Liem RI, Nevin MA, Prestridge A, Young LT, Thompson AA: Functional capacity in children and young adults with sickle cell disease undergoing evaluation for cardiopulmonary disease. Am J Hematol. 2009 Oct;84(10):645-9.
Liem RI, Calamaras D, Chhabra-Singh M, Minniti C, Files B, Thompson AA: Sudden-onset blindness in sickle cell disease due to retinal artery occlusion. Pediatric Blood & Cancer. 50(3):624-7, 2008.
Fung EB, Harmatz P, Milet M, Coates T, Thompson AA, Ranalli M, Mignaca R, Scher C, Giardina P, Robertson S, Neumayr L, Vichinsky E: Fracture prevalence and relationship to endocrinopathy in iron overloaded patients with sickle cell disease and thalassemia. Bone 43, 162-68, 2008.
Storey P, Thompson AA, Carqueville CL, Wood JC, Rigsby CK: R2* Imaging of Transfusional Iron Burden at 3T and Comparison with 1.5T. J Magnetic Resonance Imaging 25: 540-7, 2007.
Eggleston BS, Patience M, Edwards S, Adamkiewicz T, Buchanan G, Davies SC, Dickerhoff R, Donfield S, Feig SA, Giller RH, Haight A, Horan J, Hsu L, Kamani N, Lane P, Levine JE, Margolis D, Moore TB, Ohene-Frempong K, Redding-Lallinger R, Roberts IAG, Rogers ZR, Sanders JE, Scott JP, Sleight B, Thompson AA, Sullivan KM, Walters MC: Effect of Myeloablative Bone Marrow Transplantation on Growth in Children with Sickle Cell Anemia: Results of the Multicenter Study of Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation for Sickle Cell Anemia. British Journal of Haematology. 136 (4): 673-6, 2007.
Gosiengfiao Y, Horvat R, Thompson AA: Transcription Factors GATA-1 and Fli-1 Regulate Human HOXA10 Expression in Megakaryocytic Cells, DNA and Cell Biology, 26(8): 577-87, 2007.
MJ Manco-Johnson, TC. Abshire, AD Shapiro, B Riske, MR Hacker, R Kilcoyne, D Ingram, ML Manco-Johnson, S Funk, L Jacobson, L A. Valentino, WK Hoots, GR. Buchanan, D DiMichele, M Recht, D Brown, C Leisinger, S Bleak, A Cohen, P Mathew, A Matsunaga, D Medeiros, D Nugent, G Thomas, AA Thompson, JM Soucie, H Austin, and B Evatt:: Results of a Prospective, Controlled, Randomized Clinical Trial to Prevent Joint Disease in Young Children with Severe Factor VIII Deficiency, New England Journal of Medicine, 357(6):535-44, 2007.
Liem, RI, Young L, Thompson AA: Tricuspid Regurgitant Jet Velocity Is Associated with Hemolysis in Children and Young Adults with Sickle Cell Disease Evaluated for Pulmonary Hypertension, Haematologica, 92, 1549-52, 2007
Thompson AA: Advances in the Management of Sickle Cell Disease. Pediatric Blood and Cancer 46 (5): 533-39, 2006.
Horvat R, Thompson AA: HOXA11 Mutation in Amegakaryocytic Thrombocytopenia with Radio-Ulnar Synostosis Syndrome Inhibits Megakaryocytic Differentiation In Vitro. Blood Cells Molecules and Disease 37 (1): 55-63, 2006.
Barcelona SL, Thompson AA, Cote CJ: Intraoperative Pediatric Blood Transfusion Therapy: A Review of Common Issues. Part I: Hematologic and Physiologic Differences from Adults; Metabolic and Infectious Risks. Pediatric Anesthesia 15 (9): 716-26, 2005.
Barcelona SL, Thompson AA, Cote CJ: Intraoperative Pediatric Blood Transfusion Therapy: A Review of Common Issues. Part II: Transfusion Therapy, Special Considerations, and Reduction of Allogenic Blood Transfusions. Pediatric Anesthesia. 15 (10): 814-30, 2005.
Miyoshi E, Stewart PL, Kincade PW, Lee MB, Thompson AA, Wall R: Aberrant Expression and Localization of the Cytoskeleton-Binding pp52 (LSP1) Protein in Hairy Cell Leukemia. Leukemia Research 25: 57-67, 2001.
Thompson AA, Woodruff K, Feig SA, Nguyen LT, Schanen NC: Congenital Thrombocytopenia and Radio-Ulnar Synostosis: A New Familial Syndrome. British Journal of Haematology 113(4): 866-70, 2001.
Gordon MS, Kato RM, Lansigan F, Thompson AA, Wall R, Rawlings DJ: Aberrant BCR Signaling from B29 (Igß, CD79b) Gene Mutations of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia B Cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci 97: 5504-09, 2000.
Thompson AA, Nguyen LT: Amegakaryocytic Thrombocytopenia and Radial-Ulnar Synostosis is Associated with a HOXA11 Gene Defect. Nature Genetics 26 (4): 379-80, 2000.
Thompson AA, Do HN, Saxon A, Wall R: Widespread B29 (CD79b) Gene Defects and Loss of Expression in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. Leukemia and Lymphoma 32 (5-6): 561-569, 1999.
Thompson AA, Talley JA, Do HN, Saxon A, Kunkel L, Berenson J, Wall R: Aberrations of the B-cell Receptor B29 Gene Expression in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. Blood 90 (4): 1387-1394, 1997.
Thompson AA, Wood WJ, Gilly MJ, Omori SA, Wall R: The Promoter and 5’ Flanking Sequences Controlling Human B29 Gene Expression. Blood 87: 666-673, 1996.
Thompson AA, Omori SA, Gilly MJ, May W, Gordon MS, Wood WJ, Miyoshi E, Malone CS, Gimble J, Kincade P, Denny CT, Wall R: Structure of Alternatively Spliced 5’ Exons in Tissue-Specific Isoforms of Leukocyte pp52 and Stromal Cell S37 mRNA. Genomics 32: 352-357, 1996.
Wood WJ, Thompson AA, Korenberg J, May WA, Denny CT, Wall R: The Isolation and Chromosomal Mapping of the Human Immunoglobulin-Associated B29 Gene. Genomics 16: 187-192, 1993.
May W, Korenberg J, Chen X-n, Wood WJ, Thompson AA, Wall R, Denny CT: Human Lymphocyte-Specific Gene pp52 is a Member of a Highly Dispersed Gene Family. Genomics 15: 515-520, 1993.
Thompson AA, Cornelius AS, Asakura T, Horiuchi K: Comparative Studies of Phenothiazine Derivatives and Their Effects on Swelling of Normal and Sickle Erythrocytes. Gen Pharmacol. 24 (4): 999-1006, 1993.
Thompson AA. Hematology 2009 American Society of Hematology Education Program. 2009. Review 28 chapters, 740pp. Co-Editor.
Thompson AA. “Disorders of the Blood and Blood Cells.” Just the Facts in Pediatrics, MacGraw Hill, 2004.
Badawy SM, Thompson AA: “Management Challenges in Thalassemia” from Abutalib SA, Connors JM, Ragni MV (eds) (2016) Nonmalignant Hematology, Expert Clinical Review: Questions and Answer, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland
Thompson AA: “Anemia Overview,” Just the Facts in Pediatrics, MacGraw Hill, 2004
Thompson AA: “Thalassemias” Just the Facts in Pediatrics, MacGraw Hill, 2004
Thompson AA: “Neutropenias,” Just the Facts in Pediatrics, MacGraw Hill, 2004
MacDonald L and Thompson AA:, “Iron Deficiency Anemia,” Just the Facts in Pediatrics, MacGraw Hill, 2004
Gosiengfiao Y and Thompson AA: “Hemolytic Anemias,” Just the Facts in Pediatrics, MacGraw Hill, 2004
Weinstein J and Thompson AA: “Thrombocytopenia,” Just the Facts in Pediatrics, MacGraw Hill, 2004
Thompson AA. “Bone marrow transplantation and other curative approaches in thalassemia,” Public Health Webinar Series on Blood Disorders, Center for Disease Control and Prevention. June 2021.
Thompson AA. Luminary Speaker, Plenary Session, American Society of Pediatric Hematology Oncology Annual Meeting. April 2021.
Thompson AA. “Genomic Therapies for Hemoglobinopathies: Ready for Prime Time?” Keynote Speaker, Texas Children’s Cancer and Hematology Centers Research symposium. April 2021.
Thompson AA. Panelist, “Sickle Cell Disease and Racial Health Disparities in Underfunded Disease,” American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE). “Sickle cell disease and thalassemia,” Highlights of ASH in Mediterranean. March 2021.
Thompson AA. “Gene therapy for hemoglobinopathies,” American Society of Transplantation and Cellular Therapies Annual Meeting. February 2021.
Thompson AA. “Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Alpha Thalassemia Major,” UCSF Alpha Thalassemia Major conference. January 2021.
Thompson AA. “Leadership” ASH-a-Palooza Trainee Day, ASH Annual Meeting. December 2020.
Thompson AA. “Applying for your first job,” Trainee Workshop, Hemostasis and Thrombosis Research Society. December 2020.
Thompson AA. Keynote Speaker, Foundation for Blood Disorders in Women and Girl, Annual Scientific Conference. November 2020.
Thompson AA. Alpha Omega Alpha Grand Rounds, Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, LA. October 2020.
Thompson AA. “Gamechangers: Progress in Sickle Cell Disease,” Grand Rounds, Levine Cancer Institute, Charlotte, North Carolina. October 2020.
Thompson AA. “Sickle cell disease and thalassemia,” Highlights of ASH in Mediterranean, Athens, Greece. February 2020.
Thompson AA. Advances in Sickle Cell Disease, Grand Rounds, Morehouse School of Medicine. January 2020.
Thompson AA. Grand Rounds, NHS Guys’ and St Thomas’ Hospitals, London, England, UK. October 2019.
Thompson AA. “Genomic Approaches in Thalassemia,” Annual Sickle Cell and Thalassemia conference, London, England, UK. October 2019.
Thompson AA. “Genomic Therapies for Sickle Cell and Thalassemia,” Alexander S. Weiner Memorial Lecture, New York Blood Center, New York City, NY. October 2019.
Thompson AA. “Cure within Reach: Genomic Therapies for Sickle Cell and Thalassemia,” Medicine Grand Rounds, Northwestern University, Chicago IL. October 2019.
Thompson AA. “How will genomic therapies change the fate of patients with hemoglobin disorders?” Stem Cell Transplantation in Childhood Symposium, Rome, Italy. September 2019.
Thompson AA. “Sickle Cell Disease in the 21st Century: Emerging Landscape in Diagnosis, Treatment and Health Outcomes,” Roland B. Scott Symposium, National Medical Association Annual Scientific Conference, Honolulu Hawaii. July 2019.
Thompson AA. “Cure within Reach: Genomic Therapies for Sickle Cell and Thalassemia,” Medicine Grand Rounds, University of Illinois, Chicago IL. June 2019.
Thompson AA. “Cure within Reach: Genomic Therapies for Sickle Cell and Thalassemia, Gwynne Hazen Cherry Family/Stephen A. Feig, M.D. Endowed Lecturer, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA. May 2019.
Thompson AA. “Endpoints for Curative Therapies: How will be measure success?” 4th Annual Alpha Stem Cell Clinic Conference, California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, San Francisco, CA. April 2019.
Thompson AA. “Advances in Hereditary Hemolytic Anemias,” Agrupacion Mexicana para el Estudio de la Hematologia (AMEH), annual meeting Chihuahua, Mexico. April 2019.
Thompson AA. “Thrombotic Complications in Hereditary Hemolytic Anemias,” Agrupacion Mexicana para el Estudio de la Hematologia (AMEH), annual meeting Chihuahua, Mexico. April 2019.
Thompson AA. “Genomic Therapies for Sickle Cell Disease and Thalassemia,” ASH/BSH Joint Symposium, BSH Annual meeting, Glasgow, Scotland, UK. April 2019.
Thompson AA. “Gene Addition Approach for Sickle Cell and Thalassemia,” European School of Haematology, Budapest, Hungary. March 2019.
Thompson AA. “Cure within Reach: Genomic Therapies for Sickle Cell and Thalassemia,” Yale Cancer Cencer Hematology Research Series, New Haven, CT. February 2019.
2021, Exceptional Women in Medicine, Chicago Magazine
2020, Top Blacks in Healthcare,
2020, Distinguished Alumni Award, Champions of Healthcare, National Medical Fellowships
2020, Cage S. Johnson, Sickle Cell Physician Award, Cayenne Wellness
2019, Faculty Excellence in Leadership Award, Lurie Children’s Hospital (inaugural recipient)
2019, Alexander S. Weiner Memorial Lecture, New York Blood Center
2019, Gwynne Hazen Cherry Family/Stephen A. Feig, M.D. Endowed Lecturer, UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital
2018, Paul M. Aggeler Lecture, UCSF/ZSFGH, San Francisco, CA
2018, William C. Moloney Lecture, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston MA
2018, Alpha Omega Alpha National Medical Honor Society (faculty inductee)
2017, Frank A. Oski Memorial Lecture and Award, American Society of Pediatric Hematology Oncology (ASPHO)
2015, Erslev Memorial Lecture, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, PA
2001-2021, Sarah and A. Watson Armour Endowed Chair for Blood Diseases and Cancer, Children’s Memorial Hospital
1998, Young Investigator Research Award, Orange County Roosters
1997, Minority Scholar Award in Cancer Research, American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)
1997, STOP Cancer: The Next Generation Award
1994, R55, James A. Shannon Director’s Award
1992-1996, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Minority Medical Faculty Development Award
1987, Kaiser Permanente Merit Scholarship Award in Health Services
1983, Carl Robinson, Jr Outstanding Senior Medical Student
1983, Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation Merit Scholarship Award
2021-2024, Editorial Board, BLOOD
2019-present, Reviewer, Science Translational Medicine
2015-present, Reviewer, Blood Advances
2007-present, Reviewer, New England Journal of Medicine
2005-present, Reviewer, Pediatric Blood and Cancer
2002-present, Reviewer, Haematologica
1995-present, Reviewer, BLOOD
1992-present, Reviewer, Journal of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology
European Hematology Association
American Society of Hematology
- 2018, President
- 2015-2016, Vice President
- 2009-present, Sickle Cell Disease Task Force
- 2006-present, Government Affairs Committee
National Medical Association
American Society of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology
American Society of Genetic and Cell Therapy
Cure Sickle Cell Initiative
- 2018-present, Chair, Clinical Trials Design Subcommittee
- 2018-present, Steering Committee
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Responses are measured on a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score.
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The comments are submitted by patients and families and reflect their views and opinions. The comments are not endorsed by and do not reflect the views of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.