Emergency Department, Outpatient Specialty Care and Primary Care Clinical Pathway
for Management of Suspected Measles Exposure or Infection
Active Measles in the Community
Measles Symptoms |
Exposure |
Immunocompromise |
- ≥ 1 MMR
- No immunocompromise
- Age < 12 mos
- Unimmunized
- Unknown immunization
- Immunocompromised
- Exception:
- Healthy
- Measles symptoms
- Exposed
- 1 MMR
- Exposed and/or
- Measles Symptoms Present
Expedite to Room
- Can return to Waiting Room
- Standard Precautions
PPE | N95, child Masking/Tenting |
KOPH ED | ED Rm 26, followed by 25, 24 |
Documenting Isolation In Epic |
No Symptoms | No measles testing recommended |
Symptoms |
- Measles Post Exposure Prophylaxis
- Consult Medical Home as indicated
- Consult ID for immunocompromised children
- Vitamin A for Measles Infection, Supplementation
- Administration Best Practice for Intramuscular Immune Globulin
- Room Closure Requirements
- CDC MMRV Vaccine Information Sheet
- Quarantine as indicated, 21-28 days
- Monitor symptoms
- Call PCP if symptoms develop
- Safe Discharge for Measles Patient
- CHOP measles quarantine guidance for:
- As clinically indicated
- AIIR or single room w/door closed
- Airborne precautions