CICU Clinical Pathway for Sedation/Analgesia in the Mechanically Ventilated Patient

Start SBS and
Age Appropriate Pain Scale Assessment
Review Pain Scales

Neonatal Protocol
Age < 30 days
Infant/Child Protocol
Age 30 days to 18 yrs, < 50 kg
Adult Protocol
Age > 18 yrs, > 50 kg
All patients on ECMO
Length of Sedation
If sedated
2-7 days
If sedated
> 7 days
(+/- intubation)

Pain Scales

Review Pain Scales

FLACC Term NB to 7 yrs
FACES ≥ 3 yrs, able to self-report
Numeric Rating Scale > 5 yrs
Pediatric patients on mechanical ventilation
Response to stimuli, 6 point scale
Posted: January 2014
Revised: August 2023
Editors: Clinical Pathways Team