Non-traumatic Scrotal/Testicular Pain Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department

Discharge Instructions and Outpatient Follow-Up

  • Scrotal support
  • A post-pubertal patient should receive PO antibiotics if positive urinalysis. If negative urinalysis, NSAIDS x 3 days then prn.
  • Refer to Urology if a pre-pubertal patient, otherwise follow up with PCP.
Torsion of Appendix Testis
  • NSAIDS x 3 days then prn
  • Follow up with the pediatrician unless pain for 1-2 weeks, then needs Urology referral
Hernia General surgery or Urology referral
Communicating Hydrocele Urology referral
Asymptomatic Hydrocele Follow up with PCP, unless testis not palpable (Urology referral)
Varicocele Urology referral