ICU and Inpatient Clinical Pathway
for Children with Post-Cath Pulse Loss

1 hour
post cath
PT/PTT and creatinine obtained at catheter insertion in all infants < 1 year
  1. Rule Out Ischemic Limb
  2. Initiate Lovenox® per CHOP CPG Guidelines
    or at the discretion of MD, may start heparin per CHOP guidelines
  3. Order ultrasound of femoral artery
  4. Notify cath team
For children ≥ 1 year, obtain an ultrasound of the femoral artery and notify the provider
Abnormal ultrasound
Normal ultrasound
Continue Lovenox
Start discharge teaching and planning
Exam Normalized
Discontinue Lovenox,
continue routine care, no specialized
Exam Still Abnormal
Continue Lovenox for 24 hours and reassess
  1. At 24 hrs if clinically improved, d/c Lovenox discharge to home, no specialized follow-up
  2. If exam abnormal, repeat u/s- if abnormal, follow pathway; if normal, MD decision
24 hours
No clinical
Contraindication to rtPA?
  1. Major surgery within 7 days
  2. Active bleeding
  3. CNS ischemia/trauma/hemorrhage within 30 days
  4. Fibrinogen < 100, Plt count < 75,000
  5. Uncontrolled hypertension
Obtain head ultrasound in
all infants < 1 month
Abnormal: non-occlusive
Continue Lovenox and discuss with consulting services
Repeat Ultrasound
Lovenox Pathway
  • Admission for Lovenox teaching and initiation, discharge planning
  • Obtain anti-Xa per protocol @ 2nd dose (therapeutic Anti XA 0.5-1.0)
MD Decision Point
  1. Lovenox pathway or
  2. Discuss need for rtPA with cath lab and thrombosis teams; review rtPA protocol
MD Decision Point
  1. Lovenox pathway or
  2. Discuss need for rtPA with cath lab and thrombosis teams; review rtPA protocol
2 week ultrasound
(or sooner if clinically indicated) and anti-Xa level if applicable
6 week ultrasound
(or sooner if clinically indicated) and anti-Xa level if applicable
12 weeks ultrasound
Stop Lovenox therapy
Infant < 1 month?
Supplement plasminogen with 10 mL/kg fresh frozen plasma

Start tPA: 0.1 mg/kg/hr
Start uFH at 50% therapeutic dose, or 15 U/kg/hr if therapeutic range unknown

  • Q 1 hr neurovascular check
  • PT, PTT, CBC, FBN, D-dimer prior to starting and every 6-8 hours
  • Avoid IM injections, rectal temps, arterial sticks, NG tube insertion, intubation, urinary catheterization
Continue tPA until pulse is normal or max 72 hours
Stop tPA/uFH Initiate Lovenox pathway
Posted: November 2010
Revised: December 2022
Authors: J. Chang, CRNP; L. Raffini, MD; J. Rome, MD; R. Keashen, NP