Pancreatitis Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department and Inpatient

Subspecialty Consults

General Surgery/IR
  • Necrotic Pancreatitis
  • Destruction of ducts
  • Pancreatic mass on imaging
    • Suspected peritonitis
Acute Pain Service or Integrative Health
  • Failure of standard pain medication plan
  • Opioid use beyond 48 hrs
  • History of chronic pain prior to admission
Metabolism If known or suspected metabolic disorder, contact Metabolism provider for initial guidance around glucose, fluid and acidosis management, and further diagnostic studies.
Child Life Consult for coping with new diagnosis, NG or NJ tube placement, or persistent pain.
Behavioral Health
  • Consult early in admission for acute or recurrent/chronic pancreatitis if medical and integrative health strategies are insufficient in order to evaluate for and address:
    • Psychological symptoms that might be impacting care (e.g., mood symptoms interfering with treatment).
    • Physical symptoms that may be a result of mood/stress.
    • Acute psychiatric needs (e.g., suicidality, mania, aggression).
    • Significant psychiatric or mood symptoms that require medication management.
  • Followed by outpatient mental health provider(s) and psychological symptoms are impeding care or treatment in the hospital setting.
  • Obtain consent from child and family for BHIP consult before team comes to the room (consent not required if there is a safety concern).