Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C)

  • MIS-C occurs approximately 2-6 wks after the initial SARS-CoV-2 infection.
  • Review the following clinical and laboratory criteria when there is concern for diagnosis of MIS-C.
  • Given the very low prevalence of MIS-C, the CHOP MIS-C Clinical Pathway has been retired. Always review a broad differential for the child’s signs and symptoms.
  • When the disease is suspected, consult local experts in rheumatology, infectious disease, and cardiology to guide laboratory testing, diagnosis, and treatment.

Current CDC Case Definition for MIS-C

Case Definitions and Reporting  

  • Any illness in a person < 21 yrs of age that meets the following criteria:
    • Confirmed Case: Clinical and laboratory criteria
    • Probable Case: Clinical and epidemiologic linkage criteria

Meeting a “case definition” is not equivalent to “diagnostic criteria.” The MIS-C case definition may be less predictive of an MIS-C diagnosis currently since the prevalence of MIS-C is thought to be extremely low.

Clinical Criteria Laboratory Criteria Epidemiologic Linkage Criteria
  • Illness characterized by all of the following, in the absence of a more likely alternative diagnosis:
    1. Subjective or documented fever, T ≥ 38.0°C
    2. Clinical severity requiring hospitalization or resulting in death
    3. Evidence of systemic inflammation indicated by CRP ≥ 3.0 mg/dL
  • and
  • New onset manifestations in at least two of the following categories:
    1. Cardiac involvement indicated by
      • Left ventricular ejection fraction < 55% or
      • Coronary artery dilation or aneurysm or
      • Elevated troponin level
    2. Mucocutaneous involvement indicated by
      • Rash or
      • Inflammation of the oral mucosa
        • e.g., mucosal erythema or swelling, drying or fissuring of the lips, strawberry tongue or
      • Conjunctival injection or
      • Extremity findings
        • e.g., erythema or edema of the hands or feet
    3. Shock
    4. Gastrointestinal involvement indicated by
      • Abdominal pain or vomiting or diarrhea
    5. Hematologic involvement indicated by
      • Platelet count < 150,000 cells/μL or
      • Absolute lymphocyte count (ALC)
        < 1,000 cells/μL
  • Detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in a clinical specimen up to 60 days prior to or during hospitalization or in a post-mortem specimen using a diagnostic molecular amplification test
    • e.g., polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
  • or
  • Detection of SARS-CoV-2 specific antigen in a clinical specimen up to 60 days prior to or during hospitalization or in a post-mortem specimen
  • or
  • Detection of SARS-CoV-2 specific antibodies in serum, plasma or whole blood associated with current illness resulting in or during hospitalization
Close contact with a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19 disease in the 60 days prior to hospitalization