Primary Care Clinical Pathway for Lipid Screening in Children

No Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease
≥ 1 Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Disease
Selective screening with fasting lipid panel
Non-HDL is ≥ 145 mg/dL
Non-HDL < 145 mg/dL
Any present:
All present:
LDL ≥ 130 mg/dL
TGs ≥ 200 mg/dL
Non-HDL ≥ 145 mg/dL
LDL < 130 mg/dL
TGs < 200 mg/dL
Non-HDL < 145 mg/dL
  • Continue universal screening
  • Do not recommend referral to lipid specialist for isolated low HDL or elevated total cholesterol
  • Recommend referral to Genetics for HDL < 20
Continue selective screening based on risk profile, typically every 1–3 yrs
Any present:
LDL > 190 mg/dL
TGs > 400 mg/dL
Any present:
LDL 130–190 mg/dL
TGs 200–400 mg/dL
Non-HDL ≥ 145 mg/dL
Any present:
LDL 110–129 mg/dL
TGs 130–199 mg/dL
All present:
LDL < 110 mg/dL
TGs < 130 mg/dL
Refer to lipid specialist
Recheck at 17–21 yrs
Results remain elevated after lifestyle modification, refer to lipid specialist