Outpatient Clinical Pathway for Evaluation/Treatment of
Infants at Risk for Malnutrition (Failure to Thrive)
Clinical Assessment
- History and Physical
- Review of Systems
- Feeding and Elimination
- Newborn Screen
- Social History
- Assess growth charts, weight for age trend, height, and head circumference
- Observe Feedings
If concern for abnormal vital signs or dehydration, refer to ED as indicated
Findings Suggestive of
Alternative Diagnosis - Primary care evaluation or specialist referral as indicated
Likely Inadequate Intake
Assess High Risk for Malnutrition
Assess High Risk for Malnutrition
High Risk for Malnutrition | |
< 1 mo | Not regaining birth weight by > 21 days old Continued weight loss after 7 days old |
1-12 mos | No weight gain Weight loss Weight for length z-score of -2 or lower |
Initial Interventions
- Feeding
- Feeding Recommendations
- Determine frequency of weight checks
- Appropriate solid foods (after 6 mos)
- Consider Pre/Post Breastfeeding weight
- Breast Milk or Formula Fortification
- Routine labs, radiology studies generally not recommended
- Referrals
- Ensure WIC Referral
- Specialty Providers
High Risk Interventions
- Feeding
- Feeding Recommendations
- Determine frequency of weight checks
- Appropriate solid foods (after 6 mos)
- Consider Pre/Post Breastfeeding weight
- Breast Milk or Formula Fortification
- Consider Other Diagnostic Conditions
- Labs
- Review Differential Diagnoses
- Referrals
- Ensure WIC Referral
- Specialty Providers
- ED evaluation/admission
Adequate Weight Gain
Inadequate Weight Gain
- Schedule visits as indicated
- Continue family education
Adequate Weight Gain
Inadequate Weight Gain
- Schedule visits as indicated
- Continue family education
Consider admission for additional work up and possible NG tube placement and supplementation
- Consensus Statement of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics/American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition: Indicators
- Faltering Growth in Children: Summary of NICE Guidance
- Identifying Malnutrition in Preterm and Neonatal Populations: Recommended Indicators
- Comprehensive Malnutrition Indicators Table
- ABM Clinical Protocol #3: Supplementary Feedings in the Healthy Term Breastfed Neonate