Emergency Department Clinical Pathway for Evaluation/Treatment
of Children with Hemophilia and Closed Head Injury (CHI)
Guidance for Outpatient Providers for Home Treatment, ED Referral
- Patients with factor level < 1% who are not on emicizumab are at highest risk.
- Give factor correction as soon as able, ideally < 1 hr.
- Use patient’s home supply.
- Hematology will order more factor for family.
- Emicizumab (Hemlibra) interferes with standard clotting assays. Do NOT send PT/PTT or FVIII activity. Discuss with Hematology.
- Head Trauma Categorization
- Trivial - Does not require treatment or ED referral
- Hit lightly on the head by a toy
- Mild bump against an object
- Mild
- Fall from own height
- Fall from height < 3 ft
- Significant
- Fall down stairs
- Unwitnessed fall
- MVC with head trauma
- Fall from height > 3 ft
- Associated neurologic symptoms:
- LOC, headache, nausea, emesis
- Mechanism of injury
- Factor level at the time of injury
- If on emicizumab (Hemlibra®) treat like mild hemophilia
Factor level < 1%
AND mild or significant head injury
AND mild or significant head injury
Factor level > 1% OR on emicizumab
AND significant head injury
AND significant head injury
Immediate 100% correction if family able, refer to CHOP ED
- Unstable Patient
- Immediate factor
- Treat as clinically indicated
Stable Patient
No Active Inhibitor
No/inadequate home correction
No/inadequate home correction
Active Inhibitor
No/inadequate home correction
No/inadequate home correction
Received Home Correction
- Use patient’s home supply
(if available) - Immediate MD Order for
Factor Replacement - Brand-specific 100% correction
- Use patient’s home supply
(if available) - Immediate MD Order for Bypassing Agent
- NovoSeven® 90 mcg/kg OR FEIBA* 75 units/kg
- *FEIBA is contraindicated if patient is on emicizumab (Hemlibra)
- Verify appropriate dose
- View EPIC Screenshot
Head CT and Hematology Consultation
Admission Criteria
- Abnormal Head CT
- Focal exam
- Persistent symptoms
- Significant head trauma -
See Head Trauma Categorization listed above - Patients admitted should receive additional factor correction.
Discharge Criteria
- Normal head CT
- Asymptomatic
- Mild mechanism
- Ability of family to do follow-up care
- If used patient’s home supply, Hemophilia Team will order replacement factor
Posted: August 2005
Revised: December 2021
Authors: R. Butler; L. Raffini MD; C. Witmer MD; C. Jacobstein MD; J. Lavelle MD
Revised: December 2021
Authors: R. Butler; L. Raffini MD; C. Witmer MD; C. Jacobstein MD; J. Lavelle MD
- Guidelines for Emergency Department Management of Individuals with Hemophilia
- Intracranial Haemorrhage in Children and Adolescents with Severe Haemophilia A or B - the Impact of Prophylactic Treatment
- Emicizumab Prophylaxis in Patients Who Have Hemophilia A without Inhibitors
- Treatment Options for Bleeding Disorders
CHOP Programs