Outpatient Specialty Care and Primary Care Clinical Pathway for Children
Who May Need a Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) Bone Density Scan

  • Vitamin D deficiency
  • Obesity
  • Mild Malnutrition
  • Diseases associated with:
DXA scan not indicated
DXA Scan Interpretation
Find results in EHR within DXA Encounter
DXA Scan Sites
Age Standard Scan Sites Alternative Scan Sites
1-3 yrs Lumbar Forearm
3-5 yrs Lumbar
Whole body
5-18 yrs Lumbar
Whole body
Lateral distal femur
≥ 18 yrs Lumbar
Whole body
Z-score > -2 to 2
Bone density within expected reference range
Z-score ≤ -2
Low bone mineral density
Absence of primary bone disorder and/or known risk factors for impaired bone health
Presence of primary bone disorder and/or known risk factors for impaired bone health
Absence of primary bone disorder and/or clinically significant fractures
Presence of primary bone disorder and/or clinically significant fractures
Reassess bone mineral density if clinical situation changes
  • Refer to Center for Bone Health
  • Treatment and DXA scan monitoring as indicated per specialist recommendations