Diabetes Type 1 with Acute Illness Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department

Insulin Chart

Type of Insulin Brand Name May Be Mixed With Onset Peak Duration
Rapid Acting (Prandial or Correction)
Aspart Novolog NPH 10-20 minutes 1-3 hours 3-5 hours
Short Acting (Prandial or Correction)
Regular Novolin R NPH 30-60 minutes 2-4 hours 4-8 hours
Intermediate Acting (Basal)
NPH Novolin N Aspart, Regular 1-2 hours 6-14 hours 16-24 hours
NPH/Regular Novolin 70/30 DO NOT MIX 0.5 hour 2-12 hours 18-24 hours
Long Acting (Basal)
Glargine Lantus DO NOT MIX 2-4 hours No peak 24 hours