Aplastic Anemia Clinical Pathway — All Settings

Follow-up Care of Aplastic Anemia Patients

Most providers consider a “remission” to be patients who had a Complete Response (defined in table above) or a very good partial response, i.e. no clinical symptoms whatsoever from their cytopenias (such as a platelet count of 120,000)

1. Follow-up Care of Aplastic Anemia Patients after Initiation of ATG Immunosuppressive Therapy during First 12 Months

During First 12 Months Consider To Include
Prophylaxis Pneumocystis prophylaxis and antifungal prophylaxis should be initiated and continued as per CHOP’s Antimicrobial Stewardship Program Guidelines For duration: Refer to Antimicrobial Stewardship Guidelines 
Cyclosporine Dose When stopping Voriconazole or Posaconazole, Cyclosporine needs to be adjusted (increased). See Protocol for more details.
Recommended Peripheral Blood Laboratory Evaluation (Twice a week after discharge, wean as per physician discretion)
  • CBC w/ diff
  • Retic count
  • CMP
  • Magnesium
  • Cyclosporine level
  • Type & screen, weekly for 12 weeks or until transfusion independent, with ANC stably > 500/µL off G-CSF
  • *Taper lab schedule as per patient’s response after 12 weeks*
Bone Marrow Biopsy & Aspirate
  • To be performed at 12 weeks post-treatment initiation in all patients.
    • Bone Marrow Aspirate Report and Biopsy review per hematopathology
    • Cytogenetics: Karyotype and SNP Array
    • T-cell receptor rearrangement
    • Iron Stain
Transfusion Dependency If patient remains transfusion dependent @ 8 week mark, patient should be discussed @ BMF conference to assess need for BMT evaluation
Vaccine Administration No vaccines should be administered during the first 12 months, including influenza vaccine. See vaccine recommendation below.

2. One-year Evaluation and Wean of Immune Suppression

At one year To Include
1. Bone Marrow Aspirate & Biopsy Evaluation
  • Bone Marrow Aspirate Report and Biopsy review
  • Cytogenetics: Karyotype and SNP Array
  • T-cell receptor rearrangement
  • Iron Stain
2. Peripheral Blood Laboratory Evaluation
  • CBC w/ Diff
  • Retic Count
  • PNH RBC and WBC
  • CMP
  • BMT panel
  • Thyroid function studies: TSH, Free T4
3. Cyclosporine Wean If Complete Remission Is Achieved (If partial remission only, discuss wean with BMF team). A slow taper (~20-25% dose reduction every 3 months) with goal to wean off over a 1-year period

3. Long-term Follow-up of Aplastic Anemia Patients after Initiation of ATG Immunosuppressive Therapy

Complete Remission
  • Yearly clinic follow-up evaluations to include
    • CBC w/Diff
    • Retic Count
    • PNH RBC and WBC
    • CMP (only if previously abnormal)
    • BMT panel (only if previously abnormal)
    • **Follow-up bone marrow biopsies beyond 1 year not indicated for patients in complete remission**
Relapse or Partial Relapse Discuss monitoring plan with BMF team.

4. Vaccine Recommendations for Aplastic Anemia Patients after Initiation of ATG Immunosuppressive Therapy

  • Inactivated vaccines may be given after immunosuppressive therapy has been discontinued for 6 months.
  • Live virus vaccines may be given after immunosuppressive therapy has been discontinued for 1 year.
  • Inactivated Influenza vaccine given I.M. should be used. The live intranasal formulation should not be used.