Aplastic Anemia Clinical Pathway — All Settings
Follow-up Care of Aplastic Anemia Patients
Most providers consider a “remission” to be patients who had a Complete Response (defined in table above) or a very good partial response, i.e. no clinical symptoms whatsoever from their cytopenias (such as a platelet count of 120,000)
1. Follow-up Care of Aplastic Anemia Patients after Initiation of ATG Immunosuppressive Therapy during First 12 Months
During First 12 Months Consider | To Include |
Prophylaxis | Pneumocystis prophylaxis and antifungal prophylaxis should be initiated and continued as per CHOP’s Antimicrobial Stewardship Program Guidelines For duration: Refer to Antimicrobial Stewardship Guidelines |
Cyclosporine Dose | When stopping Voriconazole or Posaconazole, Cyclosporine needs to be adjusted (increased). See Protocol for more details. |
Recommended Peripheral Blood Laboratory Evaluation (Twice a week after discharge, wean as per physician discretion) |
Bone Marrow Biopsy & Aspirate |
Transfusion Dependency | If patient remains transfusion dependent @ 8 week mark, patient should be discussed @ BMF conference to assess need for BMT evaluation |
Vaccine Administration | No vaccines should be administered during the first 12 months, including influenza vaccine. See vaccine recommendation below. |
2. One-year Evaluation and Wean of Immune Suppression
At one year | To Include |
1. Bone Marrow Aspirate & Biopsy Evaluation |
2. Peripheral Blood Laboratory Evaluation |
3. Cyclosporine Wean If Complete Remission Is Achieved (If partial remission only, discuss wean with BMF team). | A slow taper (~20-25% dose reduction every 3 months) with goal to wean off over a 1-year period |
3. Long-term Follow-up of Aplastic Anemia Patients after Initiation of ATG Immunosuppressive Therapy
Complete Remission |
Relapse or Partial Relapse | Discuss monitoring plan with BMF team. |
4. Vaccine Recommendations for Aplastic Anemia Patients after Initiation of ATG Immunosuppressive Therapy
- Inactivated vaccines may be given after immunosuppressive therapy has been discontinued for 6 months.
- Live virus vaccines may be given after immunosuppressive therapy has been discontinued for 1 year.
- Inactivated Influenza vaccine given I.M. should be used. The live intranasal formulation should not be used.